enCompass Anchor Watch
at Lighthouse Church
1402 E 303rd St. Paola, KS
Anchor Watch is a Respite Care event for families who have a loved one with special needs. Lighthouse Church will become a beacon of hope for these families in our church and community.
The parents and/or caregivers of loved ones with special needs (Buddies) will have an opportunity to bring both their loved one and his/her siblings to Lighthouse from 4:00 – 7:00 pm. We will team up a volunteer with each Buddy, feed all of them pizza for dinner (yes, siblings too), have a devotion/prayer, and then encourage them to explore several types of rooms in the building (including a Quiet Room for individuals who are sensitive to sight and sound).
There is no cost for this event. Nursery will be provided for children up to three years old, and ages four and up will join in the activities.
You may sign up your Buddy (and siblings) by signing up online below or fill out the paper form and return it to the church office or email it.
Anchor Watch Volunteers Online Sign-Up
Anchor Watch RETURNING Online Participant Form
Anchor Watch NEW Online Participant Form
Lighthouse enCompass Ministry Team:
McKayla Johnston, Coordinator
Josh Simons, Staff